"You Can't Defeat Me" is a meme template that utilizes a three-panel object label image format taken from a scene in the 2017 Marvel superhero film 'Thor: Ragnarok.' In the template, the characters are usually labeled to represent various competing elements, with the punchline often emphasizing an underestimated or surprising factor that ultimately wins or prevails.
The 'You Can't Defeat Me' meme originates from the 2017 film 'Thor: Ragnarok.' During the film, the character Hela, portrayed by Cate Blanchett, asserts her superiority in a confrontation by telling Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth, 'You can't defeat me.' This moment mirrors a later scene where Thor's brother Loki, portrayed by Tom Hiddleston, triggers an event leading to the surprise appearance of the colossal figure Surtur, overturning the situation to Thor and Loki's favor. The meme first appeared on social media on July 2nd, 2018, when a user in the Marvel Shieldposting group on Facebook applied the scene to depict countries' flags participating in the 2018 FIFA World Cup, humorously assigning the role of unexpected victors in the competition.[1]
Origin: 2018