AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The meme 'Why Can't You Just Be Normal?' features a scene from the horror film The Babadook. In this template, the main character, a distressed mother, is in the driver's seat of a car, pleading with her son, "Why can't you just be normal?" Her son, positioned in the car's backseat, is captured in a moment of intense shrieking. The format typically labels each character with contrasting ideas or objects that humorously express conflict or frustration.

OriginWho did it first?

The 'Why Can't You Just Be Normal?' meme originates from a scene in the 2014 horror film The Babadook. The film's plot revolves around a mother and her young son who encounter a malevolent entity from a mysterious children's book. The specific moment used for the meme occurs when, during a tense scene in their car, the son begins to inconsolably shriek, prompting his mother to desperately ask, "Why can't you just be normal?" The scene captures the essence of their strained relationship exacerbated by supernatural stress. The meme's effectiveness is highlighted in this YouTube clip.[1]

Origin: 2014