AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The "What Is My Purpose?" meme features a small robot from the animated TV show Rick and Morty. In the template, the robot appears dejected upon realizing its sole function is to pass butter, as defined by its creator, Rick Sanchez. This scene captures the robot's existential crisis in a humorous and relatable way which is often used to reflect on mundane or simplistic tasks in human life.

OriginWho did it first?

The meme originated from the Rick and Morty episode titled "Something Ricked This Way Comes", which aired on March 24th, 2014. In the episode, Rick Sanchez builds a robot whose first question is "What is my purpose?" Rick's blunt reply, "You pass butter," prompts a dismayed response from the robot. This moment was highlighted in a video posted to YouTube by jorthak three days after the episode aired, becoming a widely recognized scene.[1]

Origin: 2014