AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The 'What Gives People Feelings of Power' meme template is an exploitable image of a bar graph from a webcomic. The original comic represented various sources of empowerment, such as money and status, depicted in the bar graph's early segments. The last category in the graph typically registers the highest count and is often changed in meme variations to humorous or absurd alternatives.

OriginWho did it first?

The meme originated from a post on Instagram by comics author @iamnotanartist_ under the handle on March 20, 2019. The original comic, titled 'What Gives People Feelings of Power,' displayed a bar graph that humorously ranked 'money,' 'status,' and 'a cat choosing to cuddle you over anyone else in the room' in terms of their ability to impart feelings of power, with the final choice depicted as having the most votes. You can view the original webcomic here.[1]

Origin: 2019