AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The 'Draw 25' meme features a two-paneled image macro. The first panel includes a customizable Uno wild card, which presents a challenging choice or action with the option to either perform the action or 'draw 25 cards'. The second panel shows a man holding a comically large hand of Uno cards, indicating his choice to draw 25 cards rather than perform the action described on the wild card.

OriginWho did it first?

The meme originated from a post on Facebook by user Damien Jones on January 4th. The initial meme displayed a wild card with the text 'call/text your recent ex or draw 25' alongside the image of the man with a large hand of cards, humorously suggesting he chose to draw 25 cards instead of contacting his ex. The post was captioned 'Say No More'.[1]

Origin: 2020