The meme 'What a Week, Huh?' features a recaptioned panel from the comic series The Adventures of Tintin, portraying characters Tintin and Captain Haddock. Originally from the comic, the scene depicts Captain Haddock having a discussion with Tintin. In this meme version, the dialogue is humorously altered to reflect an exchange from the 2009 sitcom '30 Rock'. This image is popularly used to express feelings of exhaustion or being overwhelmed and has also been adapted into various redraws. The meme specifically involves a graphic with the altered comic panel, emphasizing the humorous reimagination of the dialogue between the characters.
The 'What a Week, Huh?' meme has its origins in an episode of '30 Rock' that aired on October 22, 2009, featuring a dialogue between characters Liz Lemon and Jack Donaghy, which inspired the meme's text. Into the Crevasse on Wikipedia. The Adventures of Tintin comic, 'The Crab with the Golden Claws,' first published between October 17, 1940, and October 18, 1941, by Belgian cartoonist Hergé in the supplement Le Soir Jeunesse, features the characters and original scene used in the meme. The Crab with the Golden Claws on Wikipedia. The recaptioning was first done by the Tumblr gimmick account Incorrect Tintin on June 21, 2017, Incorrect Tintin Post, which combined the original comic panel with the sitcom's dialogue.[1]
Origin: 2017