The 'Staring Fish' meme, also known colloquially as 'Helo Fish' with its original caption 'Do You Fart,' features an image of a lagoon triggerfish glaring directly into the camera. This image is typically accompanied by ironic, surreal, or offensive captions. The meme saw considerable popularity across various social platforms like Instagram, iFunny, and numerous Reddit subreddits starting early 2020.
The meme originated from a video posted by marine biologist Jacinta Shackleton on her Instagram account on December 15th, 2019. The video showcases a lagoon triggerfish, also known as a Picasso triggerfish, aggressively approaching the camera. Shortly thereafter, an image extracted from this video featuring the fish looking intently at the camera, was humorously captioned "Do You Fart" and shared by the Snapchat meme account @jamjarface on December 31st, 2019.[1]
Origin: 2019