AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

Scene Wolf is a meme template part of the Advice Animal genre which generally depicts a teenage girl within the 'scene' subculture, characterized by its unique fashion and music tastes. The template shows a wolf with the distinctive 'scene' hairstyle, featuring vivid, chunky highlights and often asymmetrical cuts. Text on the meme typically portrays a satirical conversation between the 'scene' teenager and her parents, discussing her bold lifestyle choices.

OriginWho did it first?

The Scene Wolf meme fuses the aggressive demeanor of the Insanity Wolf meme with hairstyles that are emblematic of the 'scene' culture. This combination creates a humorous contrast between the fierce expression of the wolf and the flamboyant 'scene' hair. Although several versions exist, the widely recognized version appears in two entries on the Memegenerator platform.[1]