AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The 'Fuze Elbow Dropping a Hostage' meme features an image of the video game character Shuhrat "Fuze" Kessikbayev from Rainbow Six Siege performing an elbow drop on a crawling hostage. In this meme template, Fuze is shown in mid-action above the hostage, emphasizing a moment of dramatic and humorous dominance. The template is typically used to depict situations where one party overwhelmingly dominates another.

OriginWho did it first?

The meme originated from a post on Tumblr by user hellonearth-iii on May 26th, 2019. The post featured fanart depicting Fuze elbow dropping a hostage, a nod to the recurring in-game scenario where players controlling Fuze accidentally harm hostages. This scenario soon became a running joke within the game's community, leading to the creation of the meme.[1]

Origin: 2019