Overly Suave IT Guy is an image macro meme featuring a photograph of a man seated in front of a laptop computer. The meme typically showcases pickup lines that cleverly integrate technical IT jargon. This man is portrayed as debonair and smooth-talking, blending the geeky pickup artist persona with swagger. This character falls into a similar category as other geek-oriented meme personas like Dat Ash, Priority Peter, and Pickup Line Scientist.
The Overly Suave IT Guy meme was introduced by a post on Reddit by user j0brien on October 24th, 2013. The initial image macro featured a pun involving the F5 function key, commonly used to refresh web pages, offering a humorous twist as a pickup line. Another related post, titled 'Oh... you Bill Gates,' came earlier on Reddit from user THENOOBLER on May 28th, 2012. This post featured a humorous image of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, coupled with a risqué pun on the Microsoft name, posted in the /r/funny subreddit.[1]
Origin: 2013