AI Memes

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AboutWhat does the meme depict?

Bad Luck Brian is an image macro meme featuring a picture of a young blonde teenage boy dressed in a plaid sweater vest and braces. The captions typically accompany the photo, narrating various unlucky and often embarrassingly tragic events that befell this character.

OriginWho did it first?

The Bad Luck Brian meme was first introduced on January 23, 2012. It originated from a post on Reddit by Ian Davies, a long-time friend of Kyle from their elementary school days. Davies used a yearbook photo of Kyle with the caption "Takes driving test . . . gets first DUI." Although this original post did not gain much attention, another version of the meme was shared the same day on Reddit with the caption "Tries to stealthily fart in class / shits," which quickly became popular, making its way to the front page of the /r/adviceanimals subreddit.[1]

Origin: 2012