The NPC Wojak meme features the character Wojak, designed in the style reminiscent of MS Paint art. This variant is characterized by a blank expression and a vacant stare, symbolizing the absence of independent thought or an internal monologue. The meme is commonly used to satirize individuals who are perceived to conform strongly to group norms or trends, suggesting they are like 'non-player characters' (NPCs) in video games, which follow programmed behaviors without engaging in self-directed actions.
The NPC Wojak concept originated on a 4chan's /v/ (video games) board with a post on July 7th, 2016. The thread questioned if readers were 'NPCs,' referring to people who unquestioningly follow societal norms and trends. The concept gained traction again on September 5th, 2018, when multiple threads on 4chan here, here, here, and here hinted at people lacking an 'inner voice' as akin to NPCs. This led to the creation of a grey-colored Wojak to represent such individuals, first appearing prominently on September 7th, 2018 in a 4chan thread.[1]
Origin: 2018