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AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The 'No Take, Only Throw' meme features a webcomic strip with a humorous layout. In the first panel, a dog, eager to play fetch, holds a toy in its mouth and asks its owner, "please throw?" As the owner reaches to take the toy, the next panel shows the dog fiercely asserting, "No take. Only throw," refusing to let go of the toy. This comic structure has become a popular template, adapted to depict various characters issuing similar contradictory or unreasonable demands.

OriginWho did it first?

The 'No Take, Only Throw' meme started with a comic posted by Tumblr user cupcakelogic on July 18, 2015. The post quickly became popular, engaging users with its relatable portrayal of a playful yet stubborn dog.[1]

Origin: 2015