AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The Maury Lie Detector meme, also known as 'The Lie Detector Determined That Was a Lie,' features an advice animal image macro with a screen capture of Maury Povich, the host from the Maury tabloid talk show. In this meme, Maury is typically depicted seated, reading from a card, which plays into the frequent use of lie detectors on his show. The captions typically present various claims and conclude with the phrase 'the lie detector determined that was a lie,' humorously indicating that the statement is a fabrication.

OriginWho did it first?

The use of polygraph tests is a popular segment on the Maury show, often involving guests who partake in these tests to affirm or dispute different allegations. The meme specifically originated from a post on the Meme Generator site on October 2nd, 2012. It features Maury Povich reading from a card while seated, which has been used with various captions ending in 'the lie detector determined that was a lie,' capturing a common and dramatic moment from the show.[1]

Origin: 2012