AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The Captain America: Civil War 4-Pane meme, also called Captain America vs Iron Man, contains a vertically arranged four-panel layout depicting a back-and-forth disagreement between Captain America and Iron Man. Each panel shows a piece of their conversation or expressions, often amicably confrontational, as seen in the 2012 Marvel superhero film The Avengers. The format captures moments of disagreement or rival sentiments, commonly used to portray fan rivalries or differing opinions.

OriginWho did it first?

The origins of the Captain America: Civil War meme date back to October 28th, 2014, when Marvel producer Kevin Feige initially teased 'Captain America 3: Serpent Society' at the studio's cinematic keynote during San Diego Comic Con. He then surprised the audience by announcing the real title, 'Captain America: Civil War', and concluded the revelation by staging a mock argument between the characters' actors, Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr., replicating their roles. This moment is visible in a clip from the event here. By January 2015, anticipation and excitement for the film generated the crafting of this meme, highlighted by a notable quarrel scene from The Avengers interpreted into a four-panel comic, which can be revisited here.[1]

Origin: 2015