AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The "Leave Britney Alone" meme originates from a viral video featuring a tearful Chris Crocker imploring viewers to stop criticizing and harassing pop star Britney Spears. In the video, Crocker is visibly upset and crying beneath a makeshift tent of sheets.

OriginWho did it first?

The meme started on September 10, 2007, when Chris Crocker posted a dramatic monologue on YouTube , urging the media and public to stop their harsh treatment of Britney Spears. This emotional plea was in reaction to the negative press surrounding Spears' performance at the 2007 MTV Music Awards. The video quickly became a sensation, receiving widespread attention and views. Although Crocker's original YouTube account is inactive, copies of the video are still available, as evidenced in this Youtube.[1]

Origin: 2007