AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The Lazy College Senior meme features an image macro template showing a young man with short, disheveled brown hair, drinking a pint of beer. The template typically includes captions that reflect a lack of motivation or apathy commonly experienced by college seniors, known as "senioritis." The man in the meme is often depicted as the exact opposite of the enthusiastic and energetic College Freshman character. The scenario usually involves either academic disinterest or a casual attitude towards the responsibilities of college life.

OriginWho did it first?

The Lazy College Senior meme originated from a stock photo titled "Young Man Drinking Beer At Outdoor Pub," available on The concept for the meme was first introduced on November 7, 2011, by a Reddit user named ikfotsur who posted an image macro titled 'Lazy college senior' in the r/AdviceAnimals subreddit with a caption "5 minutes late to class / skip entire day." This post quickly gained popularity, reaching the front page of the subreddit. Additionally, the photo is believed to have been taken at the Highlander Pub in Ottawa, Canada. This connection was further discussed in March 2012, when a Reddit user, Areean, shared a Google Street View screenshot pointing out the similarity between the pub's outdoor seating and the setting in the stock photo.[1]

Origin: 2011