AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The 'Matthew McConaughey Smoking' meme, also known as 'Rust Cohle Smoking,' features Rust Cohle, a character played by Matthew McConaughey in the mystery-thriller TV series 'True Detective.' In the meme, Rust is depicted aggressively inhaling from a cigarette. This image is commonly used online as a reaction to convey intense stress or worry.

OriginWho did it first?

The meme originated on February 9, 2014, during an episode of 'True Detective' titled 'Who Goes There' aired by HBO. In the scene, Rust Cohle, in deep cover, smokes a cigarette intensely after taking cocaine to maintain his disguise. The moment was captured and widely shared. Later, on January 9, 2016, a video clip of this scene was posted by YouTuber Ακάλυπτος Ανδρέας, which further popularized the image as a meme.[1]

Origin: 2014