AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The 'I Fear No Man' meme features an image of the character the Heavy from the video game Team Fortress 2. The format usually shows the Heavy shrouded in shadow with the quote, "I fear no man. But that thing, it scares me." In meme variations, the phrase "that thing" is immediately followed by an inserted image, video clip, or word, which humorously serves as the object of the Heavy's fear, followed by "it scares me."

OriginWho did it first?

The meme originated from the 'Meet the Pyro' promotional video for Team Fortress 2, released by its official YouTube account on June 27th, 2012. In this video, the character the Heavy is depicted saying, "I fear no man. But that thing, it scares me," which has been adapted in various meme formats. The video can be watched on YouTube. The first known adaptation of this scene into a meme format occurred on June 11th, 2013, by YouTube user SUPERMARIOGALAXY13, who interspersed it with footage from the 'Villager Comes to Town' advertisement for Super Smash Brothers. This version is also available on YouTube.[1]

Origin: 2012