The 'Hello, Human Resources?!' meme, also referred to as 'Know the Work Rules,' is derived from a comic strip by Sunny Street that critiques perceived double standards in reactions to compliments based on the physical attractiveness of the male giving the compliment. The meme typically features two panels: the first shows a conventionally attractive man complimenting a female coworker who reacts positively, labeled as 'appropriate' behavior. The second panel shows a less attractive man giving the same compliment, to which the woman reacts negatively, labeled as 'inappropriate' behavior. This comic has been widely parodied by altering the text to reflect different scenarios or jokes.
The meme originated with a comic titled 'Know the Work Rules' by artist Max Garcia of Sunny Street Comics, published on September 16th, 2013. Here is the original comic. The comic sets up a scenario involving a conventionally attractive male and an unattractive male both complimenting their female coworker differently, with her reactions depicted as either 'appropriate' or 'inappropriate.' This comic has been reposted frequently on platforms like Facebook and Reddit, while various edited versions have gained traction, including a popular Instagram post on November 4th, 2017, and an amusing Reddit Star Wars-themed meme posted by Bradley_Haran on May 5th, 2018. Additionally, the template was submitted to ShitpostBot 5000 on June 3rd, 2018, accessible here.[1]
Origin: 2013