The "Man vs. Giant" meme, also known as "Yhorm vs. Ashen One," features a scene involving a confrontation between two characters from the video game Dark Souls 3. In the template, Yhorm the Giant, a colossal and daunting boss figure, stands in an epic pose ready to battle the significantly smaller Ashen One, who represents the player. This meme is typically used to depict a scenario where a smaller, seemingly weaker individual or entity is up against a vastly superior challenge or opponent.
The image that sparked the "Man vs. Giant" meme first appeared online when it was posted to Pixiv on March 23rd, 2016, by the user Tatsuya. The depiction of Yhorm the Giant and the Ashen One was later used in a humorous context on Pictame on January 28th, 2018, where it humorously referred to someone’s affection for a Goth Girl working at Gamestop.[1]
Origin: 2016