AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The 'Feel Like Pure Shit Just Want Her Back x' meme features an image macro of a young male, visibly distressed and shedding tears, accompanied by the overlaid text that reads 'Feel like pure shit just want her back x'. This template is typically used to express a longing or regret about losing someone or something, and it has spurred various parodies and adaptations where the text retains the structure but changes the subject of lament.

OriginWho did it first?

The 'Feel Like Pure Shit Just Want Her Back x' meme was allegedly first posted by Twitter (now X) user @gingerr_nutt, although this original post has been deleted and its authenticity remains unverified. The earliest confirmed sighting of the meme comes from a post on Twitter (now X) by @CuntsWatching on February 28, 2014, which gained significant attention online.[1]

Origin: 2014