The meme 'Depends on the Context' typically presents a dialogue exchange based on a question and answer scenario. This template consists of two parts: an initial query, "Is 4 a lot?" and a response, "Depends on the context. Dollars, no. Murders, yes." The template gained popularity for its simplicity and versatility, allowing users to feature various characters from different settings who engage in this exchange to humorous effect.
The concept for the meme originates from a post on the anonymous message board Yik Yak, where a user responded to the query "Is 4 a lot?" with a humorously contextual answer. This exchange was first captured and shared by Tumblr user rightbychoice on April 13th, 2016, via a screenshot that received significant attention. Additionally, the earliest known exploitable version of the meme was posted by Redditor Uvulator in the /r/shittyaskscience subreddit on November 29th, 2013. This version framed the question in a scientific joke context, contributing another layer to the meme's evolution.[1]
Origin: 2013