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Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The 'Samuel Johnson Reading' meme, also known as 'Man Looking At Book,' features a 1775 painting of the English writer Samuel Johnson. In the painting, Johnson is depicted reading a rolled, folded-up book, displaying a confused expression on his face. This image has gained widespread use in reaction image formats and classical art memes. It typically represents the befuddlement or puzzlement experienced by individuals when confronted with incomprehensible or surprising text. This can range from bizarre social media comments to perplexing news articles. Over time, the image of Samuel Johnson has been adapted, redrawn, and incorporated into various other memetic formats, maintaining its relevance in digital culture.

OriginWho did it first?

The first known use of the 'Samuel Johnson Reading' image in a meme context was on March 17th, 2012, by a FunnyJunk user named mugglemasher. The meme featured the caption 'Dafuq did I just read?' Although the post only received minimal engagement, it marked the introduction of this classic painting into the realm of internet memes.[1]

Origin: 2012