AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The American Chopper Argument meme features a scene from the American reality TV show 'American Chopper', depicting a heated argument between Paul Teutul Sr. and Paul Teutul Jr. over Jr.'s tardiness. This intense family dispute quickly became an exploitable photocomic series. Typically, the meme consists of a multi-panel format where each panel shows a moment from their shouting match, used humorously to illustrate varying points of view in debated topics across pop culture fandoms.

OriginWho did it first?

The origin of this meme can be traced back to the first episode of Season 6 of 'American Chopper', titled 'NHL Bike B2 Bomber Bike', which aired on the Discovery Channel on April 9, 2009. The particular scene that became the meme showcases a fierce altercation between Paul Teutul Sr. and Paul Teutul Jr., primarily over Jr.'s lack of punctuality that morning, culminating with Jr. being fired from the shop. The full episode is available on YouTube.[1]

Origin: 2009