AI Memes

Meme Database

AboutWhat does the meme depict?

The 'Train Hitting School Bus' meme features an image of a locomotive violently colliding with a school bus. This object labeling meme format is often used to represent one entity or concept forcefully overcoming another. In the meme template, the school bus is typically labeled as the weaker or defeated entity, while the train is labeled as the overpowering force.

OriginWho did it first?

This meme originated from a YouTube video uploaded on May 17, 2007, by the user infinitefx. The video has since been widely viewed and reuploaded across various YouTube channels. Over the years, the iconic scene from this video has been adapted into numerous custom-made GIFs and memes. An early example of such adaptations includes an image with the head of former Sony Interactive Entertainment president, Kaz Hirai, photoshopped onto the train, appearing around May 2013.[1]

Origin: 2007